Thursday, December 4, 2008


I finally get to eat some cyberspace. Hmmm... tastes like chicken...
Well this one's going to be pointless, which, as my friends will tell you , are like most of my conversations. I'll start by talking about the weather. Weather always seems to be the one topic of conversation we turn to, when we sense the loom of an impending uncomfortable silence while talking to someone. But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to break the ice, or make small talk. I'm talking about how hot it is. Its december 4th, and i'm sitting in this computer chair,at 6 in the evening, as sweat trickles down the sides of my neck, and my upper lip is moist with perspiration. Little alarm bells are going off in my head, as I've just finished reading Tim Flannery's book, The Weathermakers, about climate change. Now I've always been a little scared about the climate changes that our generation is clocking, but with a shiny brand new nephew just a couple of months old, I'm scared for him. Wait, not just scared, I'm paranoid.Paranoid about his future. What could possibly be in store for him? Will he get to see a wild Tiger? Or a Bison? Or will he get to look at the two-dimensional pictures that stare at him from the pages of a book that his Aunt shows him? Will he have to drink water that's been through a rigorous desalination process because there's been no rainfall in his country for over a decade? Very unsettling, these thougts.
What's that i hear you say? A cure? Unfortunately, unlike some sickness for which you go to a doc, and he gives you a shot in your hiney, and everything's perfect-o, the solution isn't as easy. Not even close. Infact, I'd go so far as to say that there is no solution. We could entirely stop carbon emissions, but even then, it will take decades to undo the damage we've done.
So, I'll end by saying, if you have a God, i suggest you start praying to Him/Her. After all, we're looking at a miracle to save us.

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